Friday, May 25, 2007

Exclusive Feature: Interview with John Stormer; author of "None Dare Call It Treason . . . 25 Years Later" visits White House on September 11, 2001

Once Upon a Time in the West is pleased to publish the following exclusive interview with John Stormer, author of the classic, best-selling expose of communism None Dare Call It Treason (1964), its sequel, None Dare Call It Treason . . . 25 Years Later (1990), and several other works addressing various societal issues. Pastor Stormer brings more than 40 years of expertise to the subject of the international communist movement and the failure of the West, for the most part, to decisively expose and oppose the red scourge. This interview, which was conducted in May 2007, will be permanently accessible via a link at the top of this blogsite's right column. A detailed biography of Pastor Stormer can be viewed at the website of his publishing firm, Liberty Bell Press.

PT: Who do you believe was responsible for planning and executing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington DC?

JS: I have no basis for “believing” anything about the 9/11 attacks other than what has been widely distributed—that it was coordinated by a Muslim terror group ultimately associated with Osama Ben Ladin. I am aware of all the speculations but unless I have some basis for accepting them I can’t go beyond the “official” explanations. Some of the questions raised about poor responses, failures to follow up on possible intelligence warnings, etc. were probably the result of usual government/military inefficiencies. Good questions have been raised by some but in such circumstances we have to avoid adding 1 plus 2 and getting 18.

PT: Do you believe that KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn was essentially correct in his warning, published in New Lies for Old (1984) and The Perestroika Deception (1995), that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union planned to deceive the West by temporarily abandoning its public monopoly of power and dismantling the Soviet Union?

JS: Golitsyn was essentially correct in his 1984 and 1995 charges concerning the plans to deceptively “dismantle” the old Soviet Union. In 1987-89 I wrote extensively in newsletter and None Dare Call It Treason—25 Years Later spelling out five reasons they would proceed to do so. This was based on Golitsyn’s first book, some intelligence info which circulated in foreign intelligence circles to which I had access and my own analysis of Gorbachev’s speeches, etc. I saw five goals for the deception. (1) Get desperately needed western aid for their failed economic system—it has worked! (2) entice the world to disarm—it’s worked! (3) calm some of the building pressures for real change in Russia [and] (4) they are masters of deceit. Good magicians wave a hand in the air to get attention while the other does the dirty work. Since communism “died” look at what has happened in South and Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia and China.

PT: Backgrounder: Oleg Shenin, August 1991 coup plotter and leader of the restored CPSU, will be running in Russia’s 2008 presidential election. Shenin and his colleague Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (which constitutes the Russian section of the new CPSU) vow to restore the Soviet Union.

Question: Do you believe that the Soviet communists will be able to openly reassert themselves by the ballot box during Russia’s 2007-2008 political season, or is a coup d’etat against the (crypto-communist) United Russia party, which currently dominates the Russian political scene, possible?

JS: I tend to doubt that communists will be able to openly have a major impact on the coming elections. It may be that real communists know that they make more progress through Putin’s United Russia Party. In spite of all he is doing, he is basically popular—the economic progress they are enjoying will keep the people in line—and he and his associates are making more progress than could ever be accomplished were an open, old-fashioned communist regime to take power.

PT: Do you believe that the Bush Administration is adequately addressing the threat of Latin America’s new Red Axis (Cuba-Venezuela-Bolivia-Brazil-Ecuador-Nicaragua), including the emerging communist dictatorship of Hugo Chavez, with respect to US national security or is too much attention focused on the Middle East?

JS: I question whether we are giving enough attention to the Red advances in Latin America (and everywhere else). In my stuff in the late 1980s (including 25 YEARS LATER) I indicated that as we know, communists are masters of deceit. A good magician keeps one hand in the air while the other does the dirty work. That started in the 80s and continue today as people look somewhat at what happens in Russia, China, etc. (which are very real threats) and the Middle East and ignore what is happening in Africa, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia.

About five years ago (or so) Ziang Zemin, who was then the top guy in China, went to Russia and spoke to the Duma. The most important thing in his message was his statement that Marxists have tended to look at the world as bi-polar—divided between the Marxists and the Capitalists. He said that they must realize the world has now become multi-polar—with the various Islamic forces making up the third force. Zemin speculated that because the Muslims see the U.S. as the great Satan it opens opportunities for the advancement of Marxism. Actually, the involvement goes further back than that. A SSIS study in the early 80s spotlighted KGB activity in the Middle East training terrorists.

PT: Backgrounder: Sergei Stepashin, former Russian prime minister and President Vladimir Putin’s personal envoy, attended the inauguration of Daniel Ortega as President of Nicaragua on January 10, 2007. An agreement was signed at that time in which Russia would upgrade Nicaragua’s armed forces, which are almost entirely of Soviet vintage. Ortega indicated that he viewed the presence of Russia in Central America in a favorable light.

Question: Should Americans be concerned about the re-election of communist revolutionary Daniel Ortega to the presidency of Nicaragua after 16 years in “opposition”?

JS: We should be very concerned about the reelection of Ortega in Nicaragua. His election, in effect, establishes another openly communist state in the western hemisphere. The matter is being ignored as is what has happened in Venezuela, Brazil, Africa, etc.

PT: Are there any significant developments to relate with respect to the political and subversive activities of the Communist Party USA?

JS: Again the CPUSA and their statements and actions are largely the “hand in the air.” It distracts attention from the fact that the hardcore leftists in control of the Democratic Party and the universities are carrying out most of their long-range efforts. Following the close of the CPUSA’s annual executive meeting in March [2007], Sam Webb, the National Chairman said that as skeptical as he was when the Democrats took control of Congress, he applauded their actions on the Iraq War and other union issues, etc.

PT: Since publishing None Dare Call It Treason . . . 25 Years Later in 1990, what are some of the most significant projects that you have worked on?

JS: The most significant thing I’ve done since publishing None Dare Call It Treason . . . 25 Years Later would be publishing None Dare Call It Education and now Betrayed by the Bench.

PT: Without giving everything away, what are the topic and theme of your latest book Betrayed by the Bench? Does the US justice system today serve as a bulwark against communism or is it in fact aiding and abetting America’s decline in morals and international power and prestige?

JS: There is a definite link between the problems in the schools and the Courts. Because schools for over 75 years have failed to teach succeeding generations what sets the United States apart from any other nation in history—that is that our rights as a nation and as a people come not from government, a king or a Constitution but from God—as stated in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. Because most Americans are ignorant of that fact, even good people who oppose abortion, sodomy, etc. fail to ask “How the Court can find rights to abort babies or practice sodomy in a Constitution which was written to make secure the God-given rights spelled out in the Declaration?” The same question should be raised specifically about their “constitutional” decisions to ban prayer and Bible reading, etc.

PT: Do you believe that Russia and China are still preparing for war against the USA and its (few remaining) allies? If so, as individual citizens, what practical steps can we take to prepare and protect our families and communities in the event of another (probably nuclear) world war?

JS: Are Russia and China preparing for war against the US? Yes, although they may at the same time be counting on us becoming so decadent from within that we will fall into their hands like an overripe fruit as was their spelled out plan long ago. Further, Russia is now becoming powerful economically. They are the world’s biggest producer of oil and gas. China is amassing enough dollar reserves that should they dump them at some point (or switch to the EURO) it could create economic disaster in the US and the world.

PT: You have been a pastor for several decades. Do you believe Americans in general and Christians in particular are aware of or concerned about the hostile activities of the Communist Bloc and its dangerous alliance with the Islamic states in 2007?

JS: What can we do? I don’t fear a nuclear war (except possibly from some renegade Muslim terror group). As it has been for over fifty years they [the communists] kept us worrying about the nuclear threat while advancing in other areas. What can Americans do? Get their own houses and families in order economically, morally, etc. Give our children and grandchildren an understanding of the basis of our freedoms and greatness. To do that, we must learn it first our selves.

I’m asked, “What is the hope?” Humanly speaking, there is no hope—but there is a God in Heaven and He sets forth His promise in II Chronicles 7:14.

The real answer is found in Proverbs 16:7 which says “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”

The Lord brought this verse to mind as a group of us left the entrance to the White House on the morning of 9/11 when the crowds came out saying, “Take off, there is another one [hijacked airliner] coming here.” I was with a group of Christian school superintendents and pastors. We were being checked through security to meet with the President’s speech writer who was a graduate of a Christian school in St. Louis. We moved about a block up the hill above the White House and started a prayer meeting. No one objected that morning.

The Muslims have been the enemy of Christians, Jews and freedom since the time of Muhammad in the 600s. They conquered the Middle East and moved across much of Africa and Southern Asia. They marched in[to] Europe—through the power of the sword. The move continued until 1492 when they were driven out of Spain and western Europe. Since then and until recently, western Europe (and us) have had no problems. What made the change? About 1493, the printing press was invented and the Bible, in the language of the people was given wide circulation. It became the foundation for what has come to be known as western civilization. God has been pleased. We have had 500 years of deliverance from the Muslim hordes. The Bible is no longer the foundation of western culture. Proverbs 16:7 explains it: “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”

As a pastor and a Christian—I love other Bible-believing pastors and Christians—but they are almost totally ignorant as to their responsibility to be informed and understand that God leaves us here to be the “salt of the earth.” For the last century Bible believers have put such emphasis on the fact that our “citizenship is in Heaven” (and praise God it is), that they have forgotten that God leaves us here to be Salt and Light. Christians have a responsibility to be like the Children of Issachar who God commended in I Chronicles 12:32.

PT: Pastor Stormer, thank you very much for your time and for sharing your insights and expertise into these important issues.

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